
From Sand to Gemstones

Refining Life's Ragged Edges



I seriously hate writing about me. What do you tell people? The customary who I am, where I'm from? Those are all well and fine but gets kinda redundant, doesn't it? If you want to know me, come read a long. I'm an open book - or at least try to be. I try to write a little about everything. I should one day find my niche, one day. I figure, if I keep writing eventually it’ll come. Mostly I write to help inspire. This world can be a pretty damn scary place to live in. The hate crimes. The sexual violence. The bombings and shootings. I want to be able to shed some hope. Even just a sliver. Something to help someone take another step in their day. I started this blog in the hopes I could help change a dark and hatred filled world. I'm not exactly sure I'm actually doing it or not. But, I'm trying. I also write to get the practice I need. Sometimes I’ll be sweet and awe inspiring. Other times I’ll show a bit of my true self with some dripping sarcasm and stupid humor. Then there are other times I just don’t make sense. Bear with me! When you come across my page, please feel free to leave me comments - about anything. Open forum. Open door. Open, open, open. I like having discussions about feelings (ya right) and hearing opinions of others about what I write. And other times, it’s just nice to know that someone out there goes through some of the same things I do. Thanks bunches in taking the time to stop on by! ~Pearls xoxo

Wineskinned Ashes

If you had told me one year ago today that I'd sit in my office chair breathing a sigh of relief after what I can only describe as being burned at the stake in our foster care journey I'd laugh... Continue Reading →

For the love of Suddenlies

Grief has a way of changing you. I never really understood it until about two years ago even though I’ve had my fair share of grief before that. Grief. What is it? Depends on where you look. You can google... Continue Reading →

Angered Grief

Three months ago my world was rocked. We knew it was coming. We knew she'd be celebrating in her Heavenly home sooner rather than later. We wanted that. We wanted her suffering, her pain to leave. I wanted that more... Continue Reading →

For the Love of Yes

I am writing this sitting in an amphitheater overlooking the Columbia River Gorge. I remember when I first sat in these seats. It was the first time I stepped onto this property taking in all of its beauty. I was... Continue Reading →

For the Love of Roots

I haven't been writing much these last 24 months. It's been a road of self discovery of sorts. I'm still grappling with it all. One minute I have a family life I adore, a job that I love, a world... Continue Reading →

Year Seven

Hi Dad, In a few days you'll have been gone for seven years. I can still hear the phone call I received today, "Your dad was rushed to the hospital." I spent the morning in tears thinking about how I... Continue Reading →

A Box

Your children miss you, Dad. Today, I heard Braddah listening to your music. I did the same on the way to work. I don't think today will ever get entirely easy. I hope you're singing and dancing with those who... Continue Reading →

A Letter To My Younger Self 2020

Dear Younger Me, Happy first day of your new year. Are you ready? Because I'm not. It was such a crazy year last year and I wanted to warn you. Maybe when you get here you'll be able to side... Continue Reading →


Dear Dad, I'm struggling today. My heart is heavy as I think of you. Six years ago today my phone rang with your caller ID. I remember getting ready for work and instantly becoming angry. He's two days early. He... Continue Reading →

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