
From Sand to Gemstones

Refining Life's Ragged Edges


Dear Dad

A Box

Your children miss you, Dad. Today, I heard Braddah listening to your music. I did the same on the way to work. I don't think today will ever get entirely easy. I hope you're singing and dancing with those who... Continue Reading →


Dear Dad, I'm struggling today. My heart is heavy as I think of you. Six years ago today my phone rang with your caller ID. I remember getting ready for work and instantly becoming angry. He's two days early. He... Continue Reading →

You Were Supposed to Protect Me

Dear Dad, It’s been 20 years since the day I sat in the shower, crying in shame and anguish, as I watched the blood flow down the drain. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I remember his... Continue Reading →

Dear Dad 2019

Dear Dad, Another year has passed, can you believe it? I swear it was only a few months ago when I last wrote you. Happy Birthday, Daddy. I’ll be honest, this year feels different. I mean, every year feels different.... Continue Reading →

Dear Dad 2018

Dear Dad, Did you love me like you did Jack, Tiff and RJ? I know. What a question. But, today, on what would have been your 62nd birthday I wonder. I always do when I have a minute to think... Continue Reading →

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