
From Sand to Gemstones

Refining Life's Ragged Edges




I wrote this on another blog and couldn't decided whether I should share it on that one or this one. I decided on both. I've been circling around a thought the last two months. Yesterday I took the day off... Continue Reading →

Today Means Amen

I can't claim the below poem as my own. If only. It has been on my heart today. I've reread it so many times the last week. Shared it with my husband. With friends. Now I want to share it... Continue Reading →

The Choice

There is so much I want to say. But, how? How can I effectively articulate both a heart filled with love and a heart bleeding in anguish? How do I explain being happy and sad? How do I bring to... Continue Reading →

I Can’t Help

Depression sucks. I was determined during this 30 day blog blast to make it without falling. Without have to deal with darkness. I am days away from finishing this blog blast and I have found myself a few strings away... Continue Reading →

When You Kissed Me

You know what my favorite thing is in the world? Being in love. Don't get me wrong there are so many things that are my favorite: Carrie, Country, basketball, food, girls night out, probably more food. But, being in love... Continue Reading →


My story isn't complicated and yet it has so much twists and turns. Some days I wish the twists and turns would in fact be linear. Wishful thinking.  This poem was written about the start of a relationship. A relationship... Continue Reading →


Can I just say that words are incredibly powerful? So powerful that they can build you up or tear you down. Words can put life into a person who loses hope. Words can also crumble a steady foundation. The best... Continue Reading →


Sometimes goodbye is just a place mark in time. A time where paths are separated for a short season. And then, other times, goodbyes are the end of a chapter, end of a story, end of a lifetime. And it... Continue Reading →

The Strength of Family

In Hawaii it is always about family. There is a reason that Lilo made sure Stitch understood that ohana meant family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. There is a reason that Moana, though teaching of courage and... Continue Reading →

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