
From Sand to Gemstones

Refining Life's Ragged Edges



For the love of Suddenlies

Grief has a way of changing you. I never really understood it until about two years ago even though I’ve had my fair share of grief before that. Grief. What is it? Depends on where you look. You can google... Continue Reading →

Angered Grief

Three months ago my world was rocked. We knew it was coming. We knew she'd be celebrating in her Heavenly home sooner rather than later. We wanted that. We wanted her suffering, her pain to leave. I wanted that more... Continue Reading →

A Box

Your children miss you, Dad. Today, I heard Braddah listening to your music. I did the same on the way to work. I don't think today will ever get entirely easy. I hope you're singing and dancing with those who... Continue Reading →


Dear Dad, I'm struggling today. My heart is heavy as I think of you. Six years ago today my phone rang with your caller ID. I remember getting ready for work and instantly becoming angry. He's two days early. He... Continue Reading →

Dear Dad 2019

Dear Dad, Another year has passed, can you believe it? I swear it was only a few months ago when I last wrote you. Happy Birthday, Daddy. I’ll be honest, this year feels different. I mean, every year feels different.... Continue Reading →

Dear Dad 2018

Dear Dad, Did you love me like you did Jack, Tiff and RJ? I know. What a question. But, today, on what would have been your 62nd birthday I wonder. I always do when I have a minute to think... Continue Reading →

Parenting 201

Last year was a busy summer for me. I had to be in charge of three growing kids and was able to figure out the do's and don't's here. While my niece and nephews gave me a run for my... Continue Reading →

Letters on Fathers Day (2018)

In hopes of some thoughtful words for today... Dear First Time Dad, Happy Father's Day! Today you are celebrated for the first poopy diaper change, the first throw up that went everywhere. You are celebrated for the sleepless nights, the... Continue Reading →

International Virgin

So I finally did it. I took a step outside of the US. Ok, it isn't necessarily a big thing to some, but for me it's a tick off my ever evolving bucket list. I drove across the border and spent... Continue Reading →

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